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Behaviour Consult

Getting down to the bottom of the problem behaviour

  • 1 hour
  • Prices Vary
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

To book a behaviour consult, I will first need you to complete a short questionnaire on the issues or problem behaviours that your dog is carrying out. This will allow me to get a good background of your dog and have an idea of what needs to be done. The questionnaire can be found in the 'Handy Things' section of this website, and once complete, should be emailed to Once I have the questionnaire, I will contact you to book in a behaviour consult at your convenience. The initial consult will be an hour long and during this session we will talk about what the end goal is, and devise a plan of how we can achieve it. The session will also include a half hour training session with one to one practical tips and advice to help you get started in getting your dog comfortable again. The initial behaviour consult will usually start at the clients address in order to assess the dog in their own home and for them to become acquainted with myself. We can then move to a different location if the problem behaviour tends to happen elsewhere. Most of the time, correcting the behaviour of a dog is not a quick fix, and will often need follow up consults to assess progress and/or add in further training. The follow up consult price will always be a reduced price from the initial behaviour consult, however, prices do vary from client to client depending on what extra work or training needs to be done. This will all depend on how the dog progresses but also on how well and often you, the owner, carries out the advice and training.

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